Video Conversion tool helps you edit video clips and convert them from AWLive format to AVI and MPEG files.

To edit video clip with Video Conversion tool:Video Conversion Tool accepts commands from command-line:
Command-line Parameter: Description:
First Parameter Full path to source file.
ImageConvert.exe "J:\Cam1.AWLive"
This command places the "J:\Cam1.AWLive" value in the "Source File Name" box.
Second Parameter Full path to destination file.
ImageConvert.exe "J:\Cam1.AWLive" "J:\1.AWLive"
This command converts the "J:\Cam1.AWLive" file to the "J:\1.AWLive" file.
Third Parameter Defines format of converted file.
1 - AWLive format.
2 - AVI format.
3 - MPEG format.
ImageConvert.exe "J:\Cam1.AWLive" "J:\1.avi" 2
This command converts the "J:\Cam1.AWLive" clip to the AVI file "J:\1.avi".
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Video Conversion